Bathroom Vanity Problems You Can Encounter and How to Fix Them

Bathroom Vanity Problems You Can Encounter and How to Fix Them

Here are common bathroom vanity problems you could experience, as well as solutions to these issues.

If you have a vanity in your restroom, you’ll likely want it to be a focal point of the room. That makes it all the more frustrating when your vanity starts looking unappealing. Bathroom vanities, like any other part of your home, can experience problems over time. Knowing what these problems are, and how to resolve them, is key for keeping your bathroom looking its best. Here are common bathroom vanity problems you could experience, as well as solutions to these issues.


Bathrooms will naturally have a lot of moisture, which can foster mold growth. Unfortunately, mold is not healthy for your bathroom vanity. What’s worse is that mold can spread, so this is one of the bathroom vanity problems that can worsen over time.

To deal with this problem, you’ll likely need to get a new vanity. When you get a new vanity, though, make sure it’s made from high-quality materials that have moisture resistance. Otherwise, you might have another mold problem before long.

Not Enough Counter Space

Maybe the problem you’re facing isn’t structural damage; perhaps, you’re simply trying to create more counter space. This is especially common for people who have double-sink vanities. There are a couple of approaches you can take in order to expand the counter space your vanity offers. One idea is to turn a double-sink vanity into a single-sink vanity. We recommend this approach if you don’t have multiple people using the vanity at the same time. Another option is to create a medicine cabinet that goes above your vanity. This way, products that you typically keep on the countertop can instead go in this cabinet.

You Don’t Like the Look of Your Bathroom Vanity

Sometimes, bathroom vanity problems can be related to structural damage. Other times, you might just want a change in look. Perhaps your bathroom vanity doesn’t go well with the rest of the room. In this case, replacing your vanity with a more complementary one for your room can be a good move.

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