How Scratches Can Form on Quartz Countertops

How Scratches Can Form on Quartz Countertops

Here are ways in which quartz countertops can be scratched.

Are you considering getting a new countertop for your home? Countertops are made from many kinds of materials, and deciding on the right material is a big deal. One material you can choose is quartz. Before you invest in a quartz countertop, though, it’s important to know that these countertops can be scratched, which harms their appearance. Knowing how these scratches can be caused will help you prevent them from happening. Here are ways in which quartz countertops can be scratched.

Harsh Cleaning Supplies

Some cleaning products are stronger than others. While strong cleaning products are more effective at removing dirt, they’re also more likely to cause damage to your quartz countertops. That’s why you want to stick to products that are more gentle. Instead of using products that have abrasive granules, for example, you can keep your countertop clean with a simple damp cloth.

Not Using the Right Cutting Boards

Whenever you’re preparing food, you may need to use a cutting board from time to time. While using the same cutting board repeatedly might seem more convenient, it can be detrimental to your quartz countertop. It’s better to have multiple cutting boards for different kinds of food. Also, to prevent your cutting board from slipping during food preparation, you should also put a non-slip mat on it while it’s in use.

Jewelry Causes Scratches Too

Jewelry might not be the first thing that comes to mind when considering ways that quartz countertops can be scratched, but it’s still something that needs to be kept in mind. Some jewelry is worn on people’s fingers, so it’s easy to accidentally graze your jewelry along the surface of your countertop.

To prevent this problem from occurring, it’s best to remove jewelry while you’re cooking. Not only does this keep your countertop protected, but it also keeps your jewels from getting dirty during food preparation.


Questions About Custom Rock Fabrication Services?

If you have questions regarding custom rock fabrication services or how to customize your home, Rock Tops Fabrication is here to answer them. Our trained professionals are here to make sure that your new kitchen is designed and finished in exactly the way you want it. We service areas throughout the state of Maryland. Feel free to give us a call at 410-363-4257. For more information, tips, and tricks, and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, and Houzz.

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