Here is what you need to do when cleaning your stone fireplace.
For those with stone fireplaces at home, they are great for providing an extra touch of warmth and coziness to your home environment. As time passes, though, your fireplace will begin to get dirty. Soot and smoke will leave your fireplace in a less than appealing condition, but fortunately, cleaning it takes only a couple of steps. Here is what you need to do when cleaning your stone fireplace.
Do a Little Prepwork
You want to be safe when cleaning your stone fireplace. Therefore, if it’s still hot, wait until the fireplace has cooled down. You want to wait around 12 hours at least before you start the cleaning process.
Before you start cleaning, you should also remove anything placed on top of, or around, your fireplace. Then, place a tarp on your floor so that nothing else gets wet while you’re getting cleaning done. A solution of vinegar and warm water should be sufficient to deal with most messes.
A Little Elbow Grease Doesn’t Hurt
Take a cleaning rag and submerge it into your water and vinegar solution. Then, use that rag to scrub the stone on your fireplace. You’ll want to start from the top of the fireplace, and keep working your way downward. Make sure you scrub all areas of your stone fireplace, even the harder-to-reach spots that might not be as easy to clean. If there are still stubborn spots on your fireplace, you can break out a scrub brush to deal with them.
Clean Your Fireplace’s Interior
For any ashes that are in your stone fireplace, scoop them out by using a shovel. Those ashes should then be placed into a container away from the house until you’re going to get it emptied out. Make sure you refrain from using harsh cleaning chemicals because these chemicals could leave behind some flammable residue that could put your house at risk of a fire.
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