Granite is a great stone to use for your outdoor kitchen area or grill area. Granite is one of the most durable stones due to it being resistant to the sun, not easily able to fade, and being able to absorb odors. Cleanups are also a breeze as stains are easy to wipe off. Granite is also tough when it comes to the elements. Taking care of granite is a breeze. Keep reading for tips on the benefits of having granite in your outdoor kitchen or home.
Taking care of everyday occurrences such as food spills and stains, dust, and pollen is manageable. Cleaning won’t be cumbersome. You can simply hose down your granite and then use a detergent that’s not harsh. Also, to protect your outdoor kitchen and grill, you should make sure that you cover it. An awning or roof comes in handy in order to prevent buildup or degree and grime.
While granite is a durable stone, any stone can be privy to degradation due to the elements such as the sun, rain, or snow. After some time, resurfacing the stone will help. Along with keeping the surface covered, this should aid in your granite lasting a long time.
All Granite Is Not The Same
There are many types of granite. Any granite can add polish to an outdoor kitchen or grill area, but not all perform the same. Sealing granite helps with how much the stone can absorb but not necessarily its appearance. It’s important to ask one of our contractors if you can get a look and feel for different types of granite.
Maintaining Granite in the Heat Vs. Summer
Covering granite from the sun is highly suggested. Due to extreme heat, granite can become very hot and hard to touch. Finding a way to shade your countertop can be done by using an umbrella or awning. Shading the granite is great and you can stay cool as well.
During the winter, a kitchen area can fall subject to pipes freezing because of snow. If your granite outdoor kitchen has a sink, pipes freezing and thawing can cause granite to crack. Be careful of the granite you choose as this can be a major concern.
Kitchen Countertop Questions?
If you still have more questions regarding kitchen countertop trends for 2019, Rock Tops Fabrication is here to answer them. Our trained professionals are here to make sure that your new kitchen is designed and finished in exactly the way you want it. We service Maryland, DC, and Virginia. Feel free to give us a call at 410-363-4257. For more information, tips and tricks, and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest, and Houzz.